The Red Turtle is a 20animated fantasy film co-written and directed by Dutch-British animator Michaël Dudok de Wit and produced by Toshio Suzuki from . Critics Consensus: The Red Turtle adds to Studio Ghibli's estimable legacy with a beautifully animated effort whose deceptively simple story .
This wordless animated fable follows the fortunes of a shipwrecked man on an island – and it's a masterpiece. The Red Turtle starts with a Studio Ghibli logo, but not the one we're used to.
The line drawing of Totoro is present and correct, but the . The Red Turtle movie reviews Metacritic score: Through the story of a man shipwrecked on a tropical island inhabited by turtles, crabs and birds, The Red T. Michaël Dudok de Wit's The Red Turtle stretches the ambiguity of that moment out to feature length, to an extent that distinguishing between . View The Red Turtle during the Members' Winter Season .
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