Montag, 9. Februar 2015

Exif 360 facebook

Das heißt, die Meta-Daten (die EXIF-Daten) richtig in die Datei einbinden. Auflösung ist, sondern auch um die wichtigen EXIF Informationen.

Virtual Reality und 3Grad-Medien sind wahrscheinlich das. Der EXIF XMP Tag „ProjectionType=equirectangular“ muss gesetzt sein. ICE strikes me as the best cheapest and easiest tool in it's category.

When I first tried to post the 3photos I took with my ricoh theta s, I realized that. Here's a brief How-To for those using a . Please select your multimedia source! And start editing your EXIF Metadata.

Please read the Documentation for Supported Files and Upload Limits. The screenshot of Exif Editor above shows my Lightroom-created image,. Ursache ist eine fehlende Exif-Information in den Fotos der Kamera. We could buy an expensive wide angle lens to get Panorama shots, or a 3camera, but all of this is totally unnecessary, as we shall see in . So the requirement of a 3Photo is fairly simple: it has to have a 3Photo qualified EXIF.

Specifically, it looks at the Make and Model.

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