Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015

American prom

Mit Prom (kurz für engl. promenade) wird in den USA der Abschlussball am Ende der High-School-Jahre bezeichnet. Weiter zu Central and South America and the Caribbean - In Venezuela, they have prom as well, they call it. In Costa Rica, like many other American .

Eindrücke vom High School Prom unserer Austauschschüler. Shop 20prom dresses, party dresses, prom shoes, designer prom gowns at. Weekly; MTV News; Today Show; Buzzfeed. April, May and June are Prom-season.

Typically, the students (not “pupils”) don formal wear, the guys coordinating their colors with the girls' dresses. Before prom in Britain, your mum makes you have an awkward photo shoot with your relatives. The shoot typically takes place in your hallway . Considered a rite of passage for the American high school student, prom marks the end of the school year and the ascendance into adulthood . We had this vague idea that we would have to take someone. That was how the prom registered to the 5kids in my high-school graduating class as we .

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